
The Indian Institute of Metals is a premier organization representing materials and metallurgical engineers in India.
Founded in 1946 by a group of metallurgists led by Dr. D.P. Antia, IIM is the largest professional organization for metallurgist in India with over 8000 members from R&D laboratories, academia and industry.
The two main objectives of IIM are:
promoting and advancing the science and technology of metals and alloys and, protecting the interests of metallurgists and metallurgical industry.

Upcoming Events and news

Younger nitriding methods on trial:
Decision criteria for or against plasma or gas nitriding from a modern perspective by Thomas Müller COO at Rübig Plant Engineering, Wels, Austria on Wednesday, November 23, 2016 @ 3:30 PM, Venue: Room No. 12,Dept. Of Metallurgy and Materials Science , College of Engineering, Pune.

Archived Events

National Metallurgists’ Day & Annual Technical Meeting 2014.
International Mineral Processing Congress 2012.
Date Events Venue
Alvin Eclair $0.87
Alan Jellybean $3.76
Jonathan Lollipop $7.00

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